What Is the Educational Foundation and What Is its Purpose?


The EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows began its operation on September 20, 1927. The purpose of the Foundation is to operate a revolving loan fund for qualified students dependent in part, or wholly, on their own efforts for an education, and to award scholarships to students based on scholarship, leadership and financial need. Since the beginning of the Foundation, donations of approximately $3,500,000 have made it possible for over 3,500 young people to receive student low interest loans amounting to over $6,800,000, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarship awards.

The Loan Program

         The Loan Program

The Scholarship Program 

           Ingstrom Trust Regional Scholarship 

          Charles J. & Christine Wirz Scholarship

          Christine Smith Graduate Studies Scholarship

          Peter F. Geolot Continuing Education Career Enrichment Grants

          Glenn Coursey Agriculture Scholarship

          Non-Traditional Scholarship Application
The Loan Program

Who Is Eligible to Receive a Loan?

It is required that applicants must be, or have a relative who is an active member of an Odd Fellow or Rebekah Lodge. A student desiring a loan must write personally to the Executive Director for an application. A maximum of $16,000 can be borrowed for a complete course of four years or more. The maximum is $5,000 for one year of study. All applicants must be attending school halftime or more to be eligible. The method of lending is as follows:

Freshman year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000
Sophomore year . . . . . . . . . .  . . $4,000
Junior year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000
Senior year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $5,000

The Loan Requirements

Students enrolled in 2 or 4 year college programs must establish one grading period with at least a ?C? average in an accredited college or university before receiving loans.

The Loan Interest Rate and Repayment

The Interest Rate is 4%. Interest begins the day the check is mailed from the office to the student. Interest is paid each year while the student is in school. Interest payments are paid by July 1st each year until the borrower has graduated or discontinued school. Repayment of loans must begin 3 months after the student has graduated or discontinued school.

3 months after graduation or leaving school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No payments
9 months after graduation or leaving school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 50/month plus interest
Second year after graduation or leaving school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 75/month plus interest
Third year after graduation or leaving school and until loan is paid in full . . . . . $100/month plus interest

For application email request to the Educational Foundation Executive Director Kenneth Babb (click here)

Ingstrom Trust Regional Scholarship

Ingstrom Trust Regional Scholarship

The regional scholarships are based on Financial Need, Scholarship and Leadership. $3,000.00 is awarded annually to a student in each of 15 Regions of the US & Canada.

Eligibility Requirements: 
  • Applicants must have completed one grading period in a College or University. 
  • Applicants must be a member of the Order or have a relative who is a member of an Odd Fellow or Rebekah Lodge. 
  • The Application must be signed by the Secretary of the Odd Fellow or Rebekah Lodge to verify membership. 
  •  Completed Applications are due by May 15th. Winners will be notified prior to August 1.

To apply for the Ingstrom Trust Regional Scholarship click on the Application link.

Charles J. & Christine Wirz Scholarship

Charles J. & Christine Wirz Scholarship

The Wirz scholarships are based on Financial Need, Scholarship and Leadership. Usually, two $2,000.00 scholarships are awarded annually to students without regard to Order affiliation.

Eligibility Requirements: 
  • Applicants must have completed one grading period in a College or University. 
  • The Application must have a Lodge endorsement. 
  • Completed Applications are due by May 15th. 
  • Winners will be notified prior to August 1st.
To apply for the Charles J. & Christine Wirz Scholarship click on the Application link.

Christine Smith Graduate Studies Scholarship

Christine Smith Graduate Studies Scholarship

Christine Smith served as a member of the Educational Foundation, IOOF for 24 years. Her generosity through her estate has initiated the Educational Foundation?s Graduate Studies Scholarship to respond to the need for research and study focused on Children & Family issues.

The scholars who receive the $15,000.00 Christine Smith Graduate Studies Scholarships conduct critical inquiry and evaluation that impacts the disadvantaged and underserved, becoming highly trained professionals working in the area of social intervention after completing a specialized program at the masters or doctoral level addressing the needs of society relating to Children & Family issues.

The Foundation selected the first Christine Scholar in 2004.

Eligibility Requirements: 
  • Hold a bachelor's degree or its equivalent. Have a superior record in previous academic work. 
  • Have two or more years of recent professional experience in the field of social work or a related field. 
  • Propose a program of study specializing in children and families, at the master's or doctoral level. Submit evidence of graduate school admission (copies of formal acceptance letters), to an accredited university. 
  • Preference will be given to US & Canadian applicants.

For application email request to the Educational Foundation Executive Director Kenneth Babb (click here).

Peter F. Geolot Continuing Education Career Enrichment Grants
Continuing Education Grants Career Enrichment Grants
The Educational Foundation, IOOF endorses career development by supporting members who wish to enroll in continuing education courses in job related fields, or for enrollment in continuing education courses in a new field to further their occupational goals. Grant funds will be awarded as an incentive for individual growth and development.

Eligibility Requirements: 
  • The grant application should be made at least 60 days before the grant funds are required. 
  • Grant applicants must be member of a branch the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 
  • Eligible expenses: 
    • Required books/publications for continuing education courses; 
    • Tuition and student fees for continuing education courses.
  • Individuals may apply for up to $1,500.00 for expenses not covered by their employer or someone else. 
  • Recipients will submit a 100-150 word signed article for The IOOF News about the class they attended. The article should include a review of the class, highlights of what was learned and how it will be useful on their job. The article is subject to editing by The Educational Foundation, IOOF staff and will be published by the Sovereign Grand Lodge as space allows.

To apply for the Continuing Education Career Enrichment Grants click on the Application link.

Odd Fellows & Rebekahs Vocational Technology Scholarship

Odd Fellows & Rebekahs Vocational Technology Scholarship
The Odd Fellows & Rebekahs Vocational Technology scholarships are based on Financial Need and Leadership. This scholarship evolved from the Lawson/Pezo scholarships that were awarded in 2005 from the efforts of LaVaughn Lawson, PGM and Martha Pezo, PP. $1,000.00 is awarded to eligible students annually.

Eligibility Requirements: 
  • Applicants must have completed High School or have a GED equivalent.     
  • Applicants must be a member of the Order or have a relative who is a member of an Odd Fellow or Rebekah Lodge. 
  • The Application must be signed by the Secretary of the Odd Fellow or Rebekah Lodge to verify membership. 
  • Completed Applications are due by May 15th. 
  • Winners will be notified prior to August 1st.

To apply for the Odd Fellows & Rebekahs Vocational Technology Scholarship click on the Application link.

Glenn Coursey Agriculture Scholarship

Glenn Coursey Agriculture Scholarship Glenn Coursey grew up on a farm in Warren county, Illinois. He worked for the State Highway Department, eventually becoming employed as a railway postal clerk. He also farmed most of his life. A bequest from his estate was received in 2007 to fund this scholarship.

Eligibility Requirements:
Students who have completed one semester in college in an agriculture field and have an average to above average academic record. They must show a need for financial assistance, demonstrate leadership ability, be enrolled in an accredited two or four year college, university or vocational-technology school and pursue a career in agriculture 
  • Applicants must be a member of the Order or have a relative who is a member of an Odd Fellow or Rebekah Lodge. 
  • The Application must be signed by the Secretary of the Odd Fellow or Rebekah Lodge to verify membership. 
  • Completed Applications are due by May 15th. 
  • Winners will be notified prior to August 1st.

To apply for the Glenn Coursey Agriculture Scholarship click on the Application link.

Non-Traditional Scholarship Application

Non-Traditional Scholarship Application

Eligibility Requirements:

To apply for the Educational Foundation Non-Traditional Student Scholarship, an applicant must: 
  • Be at least 30 years of age and not dependent upon parents or another person for support, or 
  • Be married and not dependent upon parents or another person, other than your spouse, for support, or 
  • Be supporting your own child and not dependent upon parents or another person for support. 
  • Hold a high school degree or its equivalent. 
  • Apply and be accepted into a degree program at an accredited college or university. 
  • Enroll in college. 
  • Demonstrate financial need.

Applicants must be, or have a relative who is a member of an Odd Fellow or Rebekah Lodge. The Application must be signed by the Secretary of the applicant or relative's Odd Fellow or Rebekah Lodge, with the Lodge seal affixed, to verify membership.

The funds may be used for tuition, books and other educational expenses including transportation and child care. One-half of the award will be paid prior to enrollment of the student. One-half of the award will be paid when the Educational Foundation receives a transcript of the student's grades for the semester for which the student was enrolled to receive payment of the first installment of the award.
General Information: 
  • The deadline for submission of applications is May 15th. 
  • Applications received in the Educational Foundation office after this date will be rejected. 
  • Send only the documents and information requested on the application. 
  • Do not send any other documentation or surplus information not asked for. 
  • Documents will not be returned. You should, therefore, send copies of all supporting documentation and not the originals except for grade transcripts. 
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered. 
  • The decisions of the Board of Trustees of the Educational Foundation, IOOF are final and confidential.

To apply for the Non-Traditional Scholarship Application click on the Application link.