Odd Fellow and Rebekah Lodges

NG Noble Grand (Presiding Officer)
VG Vice Grand (Deputy Presiding Officer)
PNG Past Noble Grand (Has Presided over a Rebekah Lodge)
PG Past Grand (Has Presided over an Odd Fellows Lodge)
Secty Secretary
FS Financial Secretary
T Treasurer

Grand Lodge

Odd Fellows Lodges in a jurisdiction send representatives to their Grand Lodge. In New Zealand and Iceland, Rebekah Lodges also send representatives to Grand Lodge.

PGM Past Grand Master
GM Grand Master (Presiding Officer)
DGM Deputy Grand Master (Deputy Presiding Officer)
GW Grand Warden (Will proceed to DGM)
GT & PGT (Past) Grand Treasurer
GS & PGS (Past) Grand Secretary
GR Grand Representative (Represents the Grand Lodge at the SGL Sessions)
GLD Grand Lodge Director
Appointive officers
GI & PGI (Past) Grand Instructor - instructs DDGMs
GMa & PGMa (Past) Grand Marshal
GC & PGC (Past) Grand Conductor
GCh & PGCh (Past) Grand Chaplain
GMu & PGMu (Past) Grand Musician
GCB & PGCB (Past) Grand Colour Bearer
GG & PGG (Past) Grand Guardian
GH & PGH (Past) Grand Herald
DDGM District Deputy Grand Master

RA - Rebekah Assembly

Rebekah Lodges in a jurisdiction send delegates to their Rebekah Assembly. In New Zealand and Iceland, there is no Rebekah Assembly. Rebekah Lodges send representatives to Grand Lodge.

PP or PPRA Past President, Rebekah Assembly
PRA President, Rebekah Assembly
VPRA Vice President, Rebekah Assembly
WRA Warden, Rebekah Assembly
DDP District Deputy President
Appointive officers
Ma & PMa (Past) Marshal
C & PC (Past) Conductor
Ch & PCh (Past) Chaplain
Mu & PMu (Past) Musician
CB & PCB (Past) Colour Bearer
IG & PIG (Past) Inside Guardian
OG & POG (Past) Outside Guardian

SGL - The Sovereign Grand Lodge

Grand Lodges and Grand Encampments in each jurisdiction in the United States and Canada send representatives to SGL. European Grand Lodges, Grand Encampments and Rebekah Assemblies report to SGL through the European Federation. Grand Lodges, Grand Encampments and Rebekah Assemblies in Australia and New Zealand report to SGL through the Grand Lodge of Australasia. Rebekah Assemblies in the United States and Canada report through the IARA.

PSGM Past Sovereign Grand Master
SGM Sovereign Grand Master
DSGM Deputy Sovereign Grand Master
SGW Sovereign Grand Warden
SGT & PSGT (Past) Sovereign Grand Treasurer
SGS & PSGS (Past) Sovereign Grand Secretary
Appointive officers
SGMa Sovereign Grand Marshal
SGC Sovereign Grand Conductor
SGCh Sovereign Grand Chaplain
SGG Sovereign Grand Guardian
SGMu Sovereign Grand Musician

IARA - International Association of Rebekah Assemblies

Rebekah Assemblies in each jurisdiction in the United States and Canada send a representative to IARA.

PPIARA Past President, IARA
PIARA President, IARA
VPIARA Vice President, IARA
Appointive officers
Ma & PMaIARA (Past) Marshal
C & PCIARA (Past) Conductor
Ch & PChIARA (Past) Chaplain
Mu & PMuIARA (Past) Musician
IG & PIGIARA (Past) Inside Guardian
OG & POGIARA (Past) Outside Guardian

Encampments and Auxiliaries

CP Chief Patriarch (Presiding Officer, Encampment)
CM Chief Matriarch (Presiding Officer, LEA)
SW Senior Warden (Deputy Presiding Officer)
JW Junior Warden (next in line)
S Scribe (Secretary)
T Treasurer
HP High Priest or Priestess (Chaplain)
PCM Past Chief Matriarch
PCP Past Chief Patriarch

GE - Grand Encampment

Encampments in a jurisdiction send representatives to their Grand Encampment.

GP Grand Patriarch (Presides of GE)
PGP Past Grand Patriarch
GSW Grand Senior Warden
GJW Grand Junior Warden
GS & PGS (Past) Grand Scribe (Secretary)
GT & PGT (Past) Grand Treasurer
GHP & PGHP (Past) Grand High Priest
DDGP & PDDGP (Past) District Deputy Grand Patriarch

Appointive officers

GI & PGI (Past) Grand Insturctor
GMa & PGMa (Past) Grand Marshal
GMu & PGMu (Past) Grand Musician
GCB & PGCB (Past) Grand Colour Bearer
GIS & PGIS (Past) Grand Inside Sentinal
GOS & PGOS (Past) Grand Outside Sentinal

GLEA - Grand Ladies Encampment Auxiliary

Ladies Encampment Auxiliaries in a jurisdiction send representatives to their Grand Ladies Encampment Auxiliary.

GM Grand Matriarch (Presides over GLEA)
PGM Past Grand Matriarch
GSW Grand Senior Warden
GJW Grand Junior Warden
GS & PGS (Past) Grand Scribe (Secretary)
GT & PGT (Past) Grand Treasurer
GHP & PGHP (Past) Grand High Priestess
DDGM & PDDGM (Past) District Deputy Grand Matriarch
Appointive officers
GMa & PGMa (Past) Grand Marshal
GMu & PGMu (Past) Grand Musician
GCB & PGCB (Past) Grand Colour Bearer
GIS & PGIS (Past) Grand Inside Sentinal
GOS & PGOS (Past) Grand Outside Sentinal

PM - Patriarchs Militant

DC Department Commander

LAPM - Ladies Auxiliary Patriarchs Militant

P DALAPM President, Department Association, LAPM